Full Description

We are delighted to introduce this exciting opportunity to purchase a plot of land with conditional planning to build a two-bedroom detached home overlooking the idyllic Grand Union Canal. The 420-square-meter plot sits in the corner of Annies Wharf, located just off Hanford Way and Meadow Lane, a popular area for investors.

The proposed property is a two-bedroom detached house with a layout consisting of an entrance hall, downstairs WC, open-plan dining kitchen, and lounge. Upstairs, there will be a double bedroom with French doors leading out to a terrace overlooking the Canal. Additionally, there is a single bedroom with built-in storage and a bathroom. Outside, there will be a garden to the rear leading onto the canal and parking for three cars at the front of the property.

Located a short walking distance from the town center and the Loughborough train station, the house would be in close proximity to many local amenities and transport links.

This permission is granted subject to the following Conditions and Reasons:-
1. The development, hereby permitted, shall be begun not later than 3 years from the
date of this permission.
REASON: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country
Planning Act, 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory
Purchase Act 2004.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the
following approved plans:
? 8872_03_10 Proposed block plan received 8/9/23
? 8872_01_01 Site location plan received 8/9/23
? 8872_03_02 Proposed plans received 7/3/23
? 8872_03_03 Proposed elevations received 7/3/23
REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and to define the terms of the planning
3. The facing materials to be used in the construction of the new dwelling hereby
approved shall match as closely as possible those of No. 14 Annies Wharf.
REASON: To make sure that the appearance of the completed development is
satisfactory. in accordance with policies CS2 of the Charnwood Core Strategy and
EV/1 of the Local Plan 2004, National Design Guidance, Emerging Local Plan
2 of 3
Policy DS5 and the guidance set out in the Design SPD
4. Development shall be undertaken in accordance with the recommendations of the
noise impact assessment undertaken by Peak Acoustics received 26/10/23.
REASON: In the interests of future occupier amenity and to accord with Policy CS2
of the Core Strategy and Emerging Local Plan Policy DS5.
5. Prior to first occupation of the dwelling hereby approved a hard and soft
landscaping plan making particular provision for the planting of species to promote
pollinators shall be submitted to and approved in writing with the Local Planning
The approved landscaping shall be completed during the first planting season
following the commencement of the development, or such longer period as may be
agreed in writing by the local planning authority. Any trees/shrubs which, within a
period of five years of being planted die, are removed or become seriously
damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the current or next planting season with
others of similar size and species unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local
planning authority.
REASON: To ensure the work is carried out within a reasonable period and
thereafter properly maintained, in the interests of visual amenity and biodiversity
and to accord with Core Strategy Policy CS13, and Emerging local plan policy EV6.
6. The development shall seek to incorporate suitable bird boxes/bat bricks within the
fabric of the build as informed by a suitably qualified ecologist. The details fo which
shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to first
occupation of the dwelling. The installed features shall be retained thereafter for the
lifetime of the development.
REASON: In the interests of biodiversity and to accord with Core Strategy Policy
CS13, and Emerging local plan policy EV6.
The requirements of these conditions must be complied with.

The Floorplan
